Star Trek Expanded Universe

Ensign DeMarcus Rashad was an engineering tech who was captured during the Dominion War by a group of renegade Cardassian guls who imprisoned him at their hidden camp on Lessek. He was a native of Huntsville, Alabama, whose long historical connections to Earth's presence in space he was deeply proud of. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order)

During this period, Rashad, Ensign Ngaer, and Cardassian guard Midzour Prashek were assigned by camp commander Va'Kust to work together on the rotation for kitchen duties (referred to by the Starfleet prisoners as a "KP squad"). Both Ngaer and Prashek were notoriously bad at their cooking duties, and bearing the brunt of the camp's displeasure with their "work" created bonds irrespective of species.

Whether any others served on this particular KP squad was unknown.

Of those three, Rashad was the only one to survive the Battle of Lessek. He found himself deeply confused, after the battle, about the fact that between the two, it was the Cardassian--Prashek--he felt he would have been the closest friend of, under other circumstances, than Ensign Ngaer, and that in effect, he grieved Prashek's loss more deeply.
